
Post 3: My dream job

  Hello, dear friends! Today's blog will talk about my dream job. Since I was little I have always wanted to do something related to music, as a child I wanted to be a singer, and I think that now my dream job would not be too far away from that. What I would like to do in the future would be to compose music that people like and that transmits different kinds of emotions, something very different from what I am studying, which is Design. I imagine myself working from home, creating and selling songs, with a flexible schedule, trying to be my own boss. For that I would have to have a side job to get started, or at the same time have money saved to buy recording equipment and make a home studio. What I would earn in that I am aware that it will be very little at the beginning, or that would be the job in general, but I don't really care because I would be doing what I like. And that would be today's blog, do what you like in life, and goodbye! 😊

Post 2: The best holidays ever

  Hello friends! I hope you are well, today I come to tell you about an incredible vacation I had with my father and some acquaintances. With my dad we went camping, from our town Pemuco we went to Antuco by bicycle, it was a trip of about 200km. That day we left at 6 or 7 in the morning, and arrived in Antuco about 10 hours later, counting breaks, food and adventures along the way. It was an extremely nice and beautiful trip, especially the scenery, the closeness to the mountains, the rivers, the people, and the people, everyone was very nice. We met some nice people who were organizing tourism there, they were trying to find a reptile that occurred in the area called "Matuasto". It is a trip I will never forget, especially waking up in the morning with the sound of the river next to us, with the birds singing and drinking milk together.   That has been the blog of the day, have a nice day, bye!

Post 1 :A country I like to visit

  Hi! If I could travel to any country, it would definitely be Russia, I love the culture, the language, the food and landscapes, but most of all I love the weather, I love the snow, especially when the lakes freeze over and you can ice skate. I love skating, since I was little I always liked it, that's why I would love to go to live there, have a house in the country, with lots of animals and ice skate on the lake. The language always caught my attention, I was learning it for a while, I like the way they emphasize the r and how things are written. Another thing I like is the culture, they have the custom of respecting and honoring the family, also the predominant religion there is Protestant Christianity, to which I belong in part. But for these and many more things I would like to travel to Russia. See you in the next blog!